Center on Aging and Behavioral Research

The mission of the newly established Center on Aging and Behavioral Research at Weill Cornell Medicine, directed by Dr. Sara J. Czaja is to enhance the quality of life for older adults and their families and address the current and emerging challenges of aging through research, education and services to our community. Dr. Czaja and her team are developing and testing innovative strategies and interventions that strive to keep older adults independent and engaged, socially, intellectually and professionally. 

The Center has a commitment to serving diverse and underserved populations. Unique features of the Center are a multidisciplinary approach to the issues of aging and the integration of technology as a mechanism to bring services and programs to older adults.

An intregal part of the Center for Aging and Behavioral Research is the Center for Research and Education for Aging and Technology Enhancement (CREATE). CREATE is a multi-site, multidisciplinary Center funded by the National Institutes of Health/National Institute on Aging (NIH/NIA) that involves collaboration with Georgia Institute of Technology and Florida State University. CREATE, originally funded in 1999, is dedicated to studying issues surrounding interactions between older adults and technology. The overarching goal of CREATE is to ensure that current and future generations of older adults are able to successfully use technology and the benefits of technology are realized for older adult populations. The focus of CREATE is on technology systems within the domains of health, work and living environments.

For more information, contact Adrienne Jaret at 646-962-7153 or

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